Thursday, July 28, 2011

You are what you eat?

I started my paleo trial on Monday. Today is Thursday. I have also been reading more and more blogs and books. I guess, so far, what I am doing is not "strict, auto-immune paleo." I have eaten eggs, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, nuts... I have even had a glass of wine. I am not sure that I am totally ready for strict, auto-immune paleo just yet. I should be, considering I have been feeling so crappy, but I guess I am hopeful that my relaxed paleo attempt will be sufficient.

On Monday, I had two eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, half an avocado and a banana for breakfast. I am sure I snacked on apples and walnuts. I can't even remember now what I had for lunch. For dinner I had ahi sashimi, Loren Cordain's Broccoli soup and broiled sweet potatoes.

On Tuesday, I had two more eggs, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and avocado for breakfast. For lunch I had a yummy salad (from a restaurant) with flank steak and squash blossoms. For dinner, I broiled salmon coated with sesame seeds (and some olive oil). I made roast beets and yams to go with it. I also made a yummy salad with spinach, blackberries, nasturtians and walnuts. It was one of the best salads I've tasted. (I used a little balsamic and olive oil as dressing.) I had a glass of red wine before bed.

On Wednesday, I had leftover salmon and a banana for breakfast. I was really busy all day and had forgotten to pack a lunch, so I didn't eat til dinner. (That is pretty crazy for me. I am usually hungry every two hours. Skipping a meal is unheard of.) For dinner, I made marinated flank steak and mashed cauliflower and squash (both from Loren Cordain's book). They were delicious. I was hungry later and snacked on some cold shrimp, some nuts and an apple.

Today, for breakfast I had the yummiest meal. I had two eggs, with leftover beets, spinach, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms and half an avocado. It was just so delicious and I was so full afterwards. (I usually never feel full.) Mid-morning, I had a snack of cold shrimp, some blueberries and walnuts. For lunch, I had a salad with shrimp, leftover salmon, avocado, red pepper, tomatoes, cucumber. It was OK, not terribly exciting. I was full though. Dinner was a roast sirloin pork (recipe is here:,-Garlic-and-Sage-Pork-Sirloin-Roast/18398/) I threw yams, carrots and onions in with the roast during the last 30 minutes and it was a lovely, easy meal. I even took a photo.

So far, I am enjoying the food I am eating and I am not finding it too hard to have enough food with me throughout the day. It does require prep and forethought though. I am less hungry (which is a relief.) I am not sure how much better I am feeling. Though I have not been spending my days lying down. I still would like to lie down, however.

I will keep charting what I am doing and how I am feeling and we'll see how this whole thing goes.

1 comment:

  1. Now I remember what I had for lunch on Monday. I made a smoothie with raspberries, coconut milk and spinach.
